Helping Entrepreneurs Succeed in Bruce County
Whether you’re a new business owner, expanding an existing business, or exploring new ways to run your business, a wide range of support is available to you and you’ve come to the right place to find it.
Small Business Start Up
Not sure what it takes to get started? Let us guide you in the right direction! Our team can help you with everything from writing a business plan, registering your business, insurance, and more.
Grant Programs
Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking for education and mentorship, an established business owner who wants to spruce up their storefront, our supportive team members can help!
Business Development
We provide free resources and support to entrepreneurs at all stages of business development. From the idea generation stage to succession planning, we have the tools and guidance to help you with your business endeavors.
Connect with Bruce County
We know the importance of small business to our economy and our team is invested in assisting local entrepreneurs and business owners. We provide free resources and support to entrepreneurs at all stages of business development.
For general questions and inquiries please email us at
To schedule your free one-on-one consultation, book now using our online booking calendar.